Virginia Tech Research

Researchers at VT are conducting a study about nicotine products and social media
Posted on 11/07/2023
Teen Voices Needed Flier

Drs. Rose Wesche and Kathy Hosig at Virginia Tech are conducting a study on social media and vaping among adolescents. The purpose of the study is to understand the types of messages teenagers see about vaping on different social media platforms. Eligible participants are 13-17, live in southwest VA, and see messages about vaping on social media. Parent/guardian permission is required for students to complete the survey. The survey is online and takes about 30 minutes to complete. Those who complete the survey receive a $20 electronic Amazon gift card. Radford High School 9th and 10th graders will have the opportunity to complete the survey in health class on Thursday, December 14, 2023. 

Parent/guardian consent forms will be sent home with students, and you can also request the forms by contacting Jamie Little, [email protected].  Students who return the parent/guardian consent form, assent to the study (by signing the student consent form), and are eligible (i.e., have seen messages about vaping on social media) would complete the 30-minute survey using Chromebooks during health class on December 14. Students who are not participating in the study will complete an alternative activity.  Dr. Wesche or a research assistant will be available during class to answer questions.


Dr. Wesche and Dr. Hosig will provide a summary of the study results to the school administration with information about students’ online experiences with vaping messages and vaping-related attitudes and behaviors in the hope that the information in the survey could be helpful to the district. Knowing where students are exposed to messages about vaping, and knowing how common it is among the study body, might be helpful as we work to combat it.

Individual responses are protected by a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health, meaning they are confidential and legally protected from subpoenas or other requests for sharing what a specific person reported. This study is approved by the Virginia Tech IRB (#22-151).


Please see the attached information, and contact Jamie Little, [email protected], if you have any questions.  Thank you.


Social Media and ECigarettes survey Radford 

Social Media Study flier Radford

Social Media Study Parent Consent 

Social Media Study Student Assent