Special Education



Date Location Time
September 25, 2023 McHarg Elementary 4:30pm to 5:30pm
November 13, 2023 Belle Heth Elementary 4:30pm to 5:30pm
February 12, 2024 John Dalton/Radford High 4:30pm to 5:30pm
May 6, 2024 School Board Office 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Local Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC's) have a long history in Virginia.
The major purpose of SEACs is to provide an opportunity for parents and other school board appointees to have a voice in the way school divisions provide services to students with disabilities. SEACs are extensions of local school boards since members are appointed by them, and SEACs provide reports and recommendations to their school boards.

State and Local Regulations Governing Special Education Program for Children with Disabilities.

The re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, December 3 2004, (IDEA '04) and its implementing federal regulations, October 13, 2006, prompted the need to revise Virginia's special education regulations.

This federal regulation also requires that State rules, regulations, and policies under the IDEA '04 shall support and facilitate local educational agency and school-level system improvement designed to enable children with disabilities to meet the challenging State student achievement standards.

Copies of these regulations, including Braille copies , audio tapes, and large print versions are available at no cost from the Virginia Department of Education. Please forward your requests to the Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120, or by calling 1-804-225-2013.

Both the state and local regulations are provided below. The local Handbook is revised annual to address any changes or required revisions during the Annual Application School Board Approval Process.

2024 Parent Involvement Survey
All parents of school-aged children and youth with disabilities who receive special education services in Virginia are encouraged to complete the Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE's) annual Parent Involvement Survey. The survey will remain open through December 15, 2024.

English Parent Involvement Survey. Spanish Parent Involvement Survey
If you have questions regarding this survey process, please contact Chiquita Seaborne, via telephone, at (804) 225-3898 or via email, at [email protected].